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Fashion Trends: Eyelash Extensions

Semi-permanent eyelash extensions are a great alternative to those who wish to make their eyelashes look fuller and longer, but who do not wish to get permanent lash implants. The technology available today means that no one will know you are wearing “fake” eyelashes. They look just like the real thing. Many actresses and models wear semi permanent eyelash extensions to make their lashes look more beautiful on the screen. You probably never even noticed that they were not their real lashes!

Eyelash extensions are not just for celebrities though. All sorts of women wear them. They have lots of advantages – for example, you will save money and time on buying and applying mascara and eye makeup and will always have glamorous looking eyes without any hassle.

Extensions need to be applied by a qualified beautician. Although there fake ones you can do yourself at home, these are not as high quality and will look quite fake. If you go to a beautician to get your lash extensions done, you will come home with a high quality job that looks real and natural.

How Do Lash Extensions Work?

Lash extensions work by attaching individual strands of faux lashes onto your own eyelashes. Synthetic lashes are applied to your existing lashes to create a fuller and longer look. They claim to stay in place even during activities such as swimming. They take about an hour to apply and last for up to two months. After two months, you can decide if you want to have them done again. That is one of the advantages to semi-permanent extensions over permanent ones.

A good beautician will be able to match the correct shade to your natural eyelashes. If they have a good range, you should be able to choose an extension that is as close to your natural lash color as possible. Extensions also come in different lengths and thickness, so you will be able to choose ones that look natural, not stuck on and fake.

Semi-permanent eyelash extensions are safe and easy. As long as you go to a trained professional, you are likely to come out with glamorous, natural looking eyes.

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