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What A Writer’s Day Is Really Like

Ah, the carefree and creative life of a writer! Alas, if you think that’s how it is, you’re sadly mistaken. Far more writers are in a state of constant panic, racing against deadlines. They’re not sitting down and writing deep and meaningful works of literature. More than likely, they’re writing short articles about how to get rid of acne or something else that means nothing to them.

Freelance writers have it a little better in that regard, because they can, at least sometimes, pick subjects of interest to them to write about. The downside to freelancing is that freelancers spend almost as much time looking for work as they spend working.

There are times when everything falls nicely into place and a writer can sit down and write about things they’re interested in and get paid for it. Sometimes, an assignment can last for weeks. A female freelancer, for example, might get a commission to write a hundred product descriptions for a jewelry website. For a week or two, she will be blissfully writing erudite descriptions of rhodium earrings, pearl necklaces and other types of jewelry.

There was a time when online writing was a great way to make money. The economic slowdown has changed that, though. Now it seems like everyone is looking for work writing online. Even university lecturers and professional journalists are moonlighting. An extra twenty dollars for a few hours evening work beats nothing and is certainly a step up from watching TV to divert your mind from your troubles.

For all of the downsides to writing, you would be hard pressed to find a writer who wants to give it away in favor of a nine to five job. Once you’ve done it for awhile, you get addicted to the freedom of freelancing, even when you’re working longer hours for less money than you would in a day job.

Writers love to write. Even when they can’t pour their hearts and souls into creative works, they love the challenge of words. When you’re a man who has been commissioned to write a series of articles about hobo handbags, the words don’t come naturally. But when you knuckle down and get to work, you have to find an angle that makes you enthusiastic about them and translate that enthusiasm into words that will sell the product.

After the article is done, the writer feels a certain glow inside. They are proud of a job well done and also relieved, because they know they’ll have food on the table after they’ve been paid.

No, there’s nothing glamorous about a writer’s working day. But is there anything glamorous about most jobs? At least, as a freelance writer, you can leave your office when you’re sick of working and not get fired.

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